
Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry


I swear Lois Lowry is going to kill me with these cliffhangers. Gathering Blue has an even worse cliffhanger than The Giver did. If this series needed more books written, I’d go insane waiting. I mean, I’ve read books that clarify there is more to come before, but never like this. These books seem to end in the middle of their stories, not at the end. It’s frustrating. Still, these books make me happy.

Gathering Blue and The Giver take place in completely different societies. Despite this, you get the sense that they are in the same world during the same time. If Kira and Jonas don’t end up meeting, I will scream. Jonas lived in what appeared to be a society more advanced than ours. Kira very clearly lives in one reminiscent of the Middle Ages. She lives in a society on the opposite end of the spectrum of Jonas’s in regards to technology.

At the beginning of the book, Kira finds herself alone after her mother died. But, to Kira’s surprise, the Council of Guardians decides against throwing her out of the village. Instead, her gift of sewing leads the Guardians to decide she will mend a sacred robe. During this process, she learns secrets she was never meant to know.

Again, Lois Lowry creates tension and excitement without the use of grand plans or adventures. Straight As once again reflect how everyone can enjoy this book. However, this is not an action-packed book. Nor is it filled with romance or suspense. It simply follows a girl trying to understand and learn about the world around her. It is wonderful. I love epic fantasy, but the simplicity of the story captivated me. If you liked The Giver, you should read this one too.

If you would like to buy the book, you can find it here.

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