
Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star

Rise of the Evening Star was exponentially better than the first Fablehaven book. In this story, Kendra and Seth once again have to help their grandparents at Fablehaven, a magical creatures nature preserve. They have to find and remove an ancient artifact to a new preserve because the Evening Star organization has compromised Fablehaven.

That is such a better storyline than the first one. Basically, the first book was Fablehaven is a magical creature preserve, isn’t that cool. The first one provides a ton of information needed to understand this second book. However, the second book is better than the first.

I would say this book is for all ages. However, I gave it a B in the romance section because, in the beginning, there is a brief storyline that involves dating and kissing. It is played mainly for laughs and is not detailed at all, but it is still there.

The rest of the book is a delight to read. There were mysteries I didn’t figure out and new characters that add more flavor to the cast. I highly recommend reading this book. However, you should read the first one before you read this one.

If you want to, you can buy it here.

Check out my review of the first book here.

Here is a spoiler-filled review if you would prefer that.

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