
Son By Lois Lowry

Finally! Answers! Did it give me all the answers I wanted? No, but it covered enough to give me a sense of a satisfying ending. If you’ve seen my other posts about the books in this series you know I’ve been craving answers since book 1. Son, finally, provides some answers. That being said let’s get to the grading.


There is basically no romance in this book at all. With the exception of discussing crushes and the presence of married couples, no romance here. Lois Lowry instead focuses on the love of family. She chooses to discuss how much parents will sacrifice for their children and vice versa. I cried as I read how Claire and Gabe struggled to find each other. Son shows how the love a mother has for her child is not easily stomped out. Nothing could stop Claire from finding her child, not even the promise of a happy life.


The violence in this book is few. Almost all conflicts are verbal in nature. In fact, the final “battle” was less fighting and more talking with weapons present – which I loved. Even without violence, the tension was fierce and the stakes were high. I loved watching how Lois Lowry created intense conflict and resolution without having to resort to violence. This made the story more realistic even with its fantastical elements.


No swearing here. I don’t remember reading a single swear word in this story. So refreshing! Could I have missed one or two? Sure, but if so it wasn’t enough to stand out or stick in my mind. It helps when none of the main characters come from societies where swearing is prominent. I’m a huge fan of avoiding swear words when possible. A book like this is refreshing in that regard.

Overall, read this book. Especially read this book if you’ve read any of the others in this series. This series needed this book to feel complete. Without it, the series feels sad and unfulfilled.

You can buy Son here.

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