
Messenger by Lois Lowry


Lois Lowry is killing me with these open endings! Don’t get me wrong I have enjoyed every book in this series so far, but they all feel like they end in the middle of the story, not the end. It’s incredibly frustrating and Messenger follows that same pattern. I never realized how much I dislike open endings until I read this series. I just hope the last book gives me some closure.

So, Messenger takes place in the village Kira’s dad (the Seer) lives. Matt (now Matty) has moved from Kira’s village to the Seer’s village. Matty often takes messages around the village and surrounding community for the Leader of the village. However, some people in the village want to close its borders. With that threat looming, Matty has to retrieve Kira so she can live with her dad.

Like the other books in this series, this story seems to have a feeling of simplicity and intensity at the same time. There are so many dangling threads of possible storylines. I just need more information about this world. Each book gives more questions than it does answers. It is infuriating. If this last book doesn’t give answers I may change my mind about how much I liked this series. I am genuinely concerned that there will be no answers given at this point.

Those issues aside, it is an intriguing story and it stays within the A grade for all sections. One thing I did enjoy is we get to see Jonas again. So, that was fun. This series also does an excellent job of showing how communities can be vastly different even when in close proximity.

If you want to read Messenger, you can buy it here.

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