
Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass Rating

What a great book for an older teen/young adult. I loved reading it! Throne of Glass contains themes of romance and overcoming challenges. Celaena is an assassin who must fight for her freedom by winning a competition created by the evil king. Growing up in the harshest conditions, Celaena doesn’t fear much – except the king. She constantly has to fight both inner and outer demons to stay alive. This book has everything – action, romance, good characters.

As much as I love this book, I would not recommend it to anyone under the age of 16. While the violence is not gory, it is extensive, and battles or fights happen often. Also, the author does not shy away from romance and the feelings it generates. There are some descriptive kisses. While there are no scenes of sex in this book, it is implied that the characters have had sex before. From my experience, there isn’t anything discussed that the average 16-year-old wouldn’t already know.

This book has great characters and a fantastic storyline. The reader can feel the tension building throughout the story. Each challenge gets more brutal during the competition, and Celaena finds it more difficult to distinguish between friend and foe. Having been burned in the past, Celaena struggles to trust those around her. The entire book follows Celaena struggling both physically and emotionally to survive. It is incredible to watch her grow.

I definitely think this is worth a read if you enjoy fantasy novels with strong, dynamic characters and interesting world-building.

If you want to buy it, you can find it here.

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One Comment

  1. I read these books this year. I thought they were fun and interesting, however sometimes the writing was simply repetitive and a few times I thought it felt like things were stolen from other novels. And yeah the sex, sometimes putting every character in a romance felt overdone. Not bad though, just not going to be my favorite.

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