
Fablehaven Grip of the Shadow Plague

So I started this series because my niece and nephew suggested it. After the first book, I was wondering if this was a series I really wanted to finish. After the second, I decided it was probably worth finishing. This third book, Grip of the Shadow Plague, made me so happy I continued this series….


Son By Lois Lowry

Finally! Answers! Did it give me all the answers I wanted? No, but it covered enough to give me a sense of a satisfying ending. If you’ve seen my other posts about the books in this series you know I’ve been craving answers since book 1. Son, finally, provides some answers. That being said let’s get…



I’m a bit ashamed to admit that this is my first Terry Pratchett book. I have read Good Omens, but since both Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman wrote that book, I don’t really count it as reading a Terry Pratchet book. As a fantasy lover, for years, I have had people suggest I read Terry…


Throne of Glass

What a great book for an older teen/young adult. I loved reading it! Throne of Glass contains themes of romance and overcoming challenges. Celaena is an assassin who must fight for her freedom by winning a competition created by the evil king. Growing up in the harshest conditions, Celaena doesn’t fear much – except the…